Why Does My Moka Pot Sputter? (Truth REVEALED!)

8 Min Read
Why Does My Moka Pot Sputter

Even though Moka Pots are world-renowned for their sturdiness and convenience of use, they probably experience unanticipated sputtering. But why does my Moka Pot sputter?

Moka pots frequently splutter because they can’t generate significant intense pressure. Such brewers function by blowing the fluid to the surface with extreme pressure. However, if the Moka Pot is still not securely closed, pressure will break out, and the device won’t be able to force the water out with a continuous trickle.

Even though a sputtering Moka Pot is generally triggered by inadequate insulation, there is a range of possible factors why this one may be defective.

Why Does my Moka Pots Sputter?

It is indeed feasible for your Moka Pot to splutter either during the beginning or the completion of the brewing session. Based on when the sputtering occurs, we can determine its cause.

Sputtering at the Final moment

If the screws or lever are not the origins of the disturbance, the noise could be originating from the towers because this is where the coffee is finally spilled.

This can happen either at the beginning or at the end of the production process, as it was explained previously.

Let us investigate the set of circumstances if the completion of your Moka pot is sputtering.

What is the process?

 At the conclusion of the brewing, this is perfectly natural and offers no reason to be concerned. Simply said, it indicates that your coffee is ready.

Although putting the pot on the burner can result in the coffee becoming more and more unpleasant, it is indeed a promising indicator that it is indeed time to turn it off from the stove.

If you do not even switch off the flame, the pot might persist in sputtering so that there won’t be some moisture to produce adequate water vapor or tension to propel the excess humidity all the way across the tower.

This seems reasonable, given that there will always be residual water in the bottom of a Moka pot.

Because some water is remaining within the boiler, grounds, and towers, you can notice some sputtering.

The pressure required to push the water all the way into the collectors can indeed be achieved since there is not sufficient water left. A Moka pot’s boilers would always carry a small volume of water.

Take a look inside:

The Moka pot’s top can be lifted to provide a view of what is happening. The liquid that continues to gush will indeed be relatively colorless.

There won’t be something flowing out of the towers after approximately 10 seconds; all you will experience is a sputtering sensation.

Your coffee is made at this stage. Serve the foodstuffs after shutting off the burner. There will still be a minor amount of water left in the container, but you will not be getting anything from it.

Prevent warming the coffee to a temperature higher than essential since doing so might allow it to seem burned or harsh.

Sputtering at the start

It is indeed a bit even more of an issue if your Moka pot begins to sputter. Here, we are referencing a sputtering tone that starts even before brewing is finished, and minimal to no coffee is evident in the collectors.

Sputtering concerns can be classified into two main groups: pressure drop along the process and insufficient pressure originally. Listed below are some likely explanations;

  1. Steam production is insufficient: One of the most reasonable explanations is that there is inadequate steam to drive the coffee all the way up to the top due to the lack of great pressure. This could happen as a consequence of the source of heat not being high enough to create adequate water vapor.
  2. Insufficient water in the boiler: Sputtering will happen whenever there is inadequate water to generate the stream of water that goes up to the tower.
  3. Leaking seal: There may likely be adequate water and water vapor, but the pressure is dropped all along the rise to the peak. The link between the boiler and the collector is where the leak is most likely to occur. There is the possibility that the screw attachment might seep. Either the fasteners keeping the components together are not secure enough, or even the silicone sealant is leaky and, therefore, out of time.
  4. Leaking safety valve: The safety valve is another area where the pressure may be lost in the process. The safety valve may gradually become burnt out and discharge pressure too rapidly. Don’t think the safety valve is the only concern, though, if the vapor leaks through it. It’s possible that the safety valve performs its desired purpose, that being to relieve pressure when it climbs too much.
  5. Coffee bed pressed down: You increase the resistance by encasing the coffee grounds. You can remove adequate pressure to prevent the coffee from flowing into the collector if the water can still pass through it.


Here’s how to resolve your issue if you found it in the checklist above.

  1. Start with hot water; even though this will not really solve any issues, it will enable you to spot any concerns more quickly. Beginning with hot water lowers the time required to develop adequate pressure by very few minutes.
  2. Use the appropriate water quantity: Ensure the water volume is 2 to 4 mm underneath the safety valve when monitoring your water to achieve the proper proportion.
  3. Continue to wait: A Moka pot will normally start to splutter, although this should only last a few moments. Yet, if you can only stay a short time further, things could always just balance themselves out.
  4. Screw the top and bottom together more tightly: If water and coffee pressure is escaping out the sides, you should first connect the pieces more securely.


Why does my Moka pot sputter? Now you know why your Moka pot keeps sputtering all the time by understanding all the reasons mentioned above.

Studying all of it allows you to easily find the solution to your issue and enjoy a delightful Moka pot coffee with your friends and family without sputtering.

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